Sunday, May 22, 2011

Jump back into the 90's

Sometimes it's fun to watch those old 90's movies. This week I've watched "Fern Gully: The Last Rainforest", "Once Upon a Forest" and now Right now I am watching "The Jetsons:The Movie". Let's just say, AWESOME! There is nothing like a good ol' movie to bring back memories. It's kinda funny what you remember while watching. Oh those summer days when there was nothing to worry about and all you had to do was play with friends and watch movies. Playin' around with my best friend Ashlee was what I did most of the time. We use to watch all sorts of movies and act them out all the time. One memory that I will never forget what when "The Lion King" came out and we used to act like Simba and Nala.. the funny part was Ashlee was Simba and I was Nala... YEAH WE WERE AWESOME!

My FAVORITE movie:

I don't know how many times I've watch "The Little Mermaid" but maybe it's a good thing I don't have a play count because it might be embarrassing. I think that will be the next movie I am going to watch. lol.

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